Illuminate with precision.
Experiment with confidence.

Opto Biolabs in Numbers

Custom light solutions for your most advanced research. Each device is unique, tailored to your needs.

LED chips
Solder paste
Flux OFF
opto biolabs

based in Freiburg, the city of optogenetics in the heart of the Black Forest region

we deliver smart illumination devices for your highest research applications
to meet your highest research demands

Founder Story!

founder story

Dr. Kathrin Brenker

I love optogenetics!

As a former optogenetics scientist, I experienced the wonders and frustrations of this amazing field. Being the only opto-researcher in an hardcore immunology lab, I had to figure it out by myself. How much light do I really need? Where do I get light sources from? How can I prevent heat damage and most importantly: Why do my cells keep dying? It took me years to establish reliable illumination workflows!
Do we all have to invent the wheel ourselves? I disagree!

Our customers establish illumination standards across the world!

Where you can meet us
in the upcoming months:

OPTOGEN 2025, Copenhagen May 6-8


Photochemistry GRC
(Gordon Research Conference)

July 27th-August1
Bates College, Lewiston, Maine

21st Congress of European Society for Photobiology

24-28. August, Bari, Italy

Photosensory Receptors and Signal Transduction

GRC (Gordon Research Conferences)
Feb 8-13, 2026, Ventura, California

Optics and Photonics in Medicine and Biology

July 12-17th, Lewiston, Maine, USA 2026